Welcome to the Slant, where you'll find reviews and original writings by the members of Martin Library's Teen Advisory Board.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Track and Field: A Poem By Nick W.

Track & Field is like a fun sprint
You get to your marks and set
Before you know it’s time to go
Once you’re racing your speed will show

Some people sprint fast and some slow
Somehow they always go.
A sprint is mostly a burst of speed
And for some people that’s all they need

To me a sprint is mostly to exhibit how fast ones
self can really go. It also seems as though based on
the weather who could get to the heat first
Before you start a sprint you have to prepare
Once you’re at the line you should have a care
Because once you start to race
Your biggest concern is if you’re going to place.


Anonymous said...

this poem is like tottaly awesome!
Track and Field is something i do and this is what it sounds like.
Read this poem and enjoy the feeling of track. it makes you feel as if you are the one running. Kept running and keep writng!

Anonymous said...

I run Track and this doesn't really tell nonrunners anything about track. It is a good poem, but not completely physcologicially true.

Anonymous said...

Ive been running track and field since 7th grade. Im in college now and I still run. This is a good poem but I feel like you could be more descriptive of the emotions. For instance you could mention that moment in your blocks that seems like forever.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I love it! It makes me love track even more than i do!!

Anonymous said...

i love track so much and this poem makes me feel great. my friends think i take steriods becuase im always getting firtst place but this poem just shows that track really isnt all that hard so people can understand that im not doing any crazy stuff.!!!!!! great poem,people who love to run should really read this poem:)