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Saturday, July 19, 2008

Ruveneska: Prologue: Search and Destroy

by Darro C.

Jump to:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Long ago, when the world of Oryk was young, one man was created, as powerful as a god, to keep peace and tranquility over the world and the races living on it. The man, Ingolor, created his own race, known as Ingles. These Ingles had the ability to summon the dead to do their own bidding, necromancy. Ingolor soon grew greedy with his power and began enslaving races. With the Ingles’ necromancy, they succeeded.

Soon, to stop this act of evil, another being as powerful as Ingolor was created, though he was created with the suffering and pain of the slaves in mind. The man, Zelzor, created his own race, the Zelzes, along with Dragons, for them to ride. Ingolor declared war with Zelzor. The war was intense with bloodshed, spells, and betrayal. Eventually, Ingolor and Zelzor met for a one on one battle to the death.

With each strike, the ground shook, moons disintegrated and tidal waves came ashore. Struggling and desperate to win, Ingolor summoned all of his strength for one final spell. He forced out all of his energy to cast the ultimate darkness spell, Vezborola. Zelzor reacted with the most powerful holy spell: Ruveneska. Vezborola was swallowed up and struck Ingolor with full force. There was no trace of him left after the battle. He died and became the ruler of hell.

The darkest age of Oryk yet, was over. Nearly all of the Zelzes were wiped out, and the Ingles remained plentiful, though they did not dare to fight without a ruler. Zelzor, weak from casting the spell, remained on Oryk secretly, until the day that he was needed came again.

* * *

The tall dark man zipped throughout the midnight skies. Nothing but pure darkness was in his path. Fast as light, he soared through the clouds, until he reached his elevated destination. He shifted his energy into plasma form as he struck the mountain top in a split second. A roaring thunder sonic boomed as the black lightning caused smoke to rise. He stood motionless for a moment, waiting.

Suddenly, more bolts of dark lightning struck the ground before him. When the smoke finally cleared, there stood seventeen men in dark coats. Each one had a hood, concealing their faces. The man who arrived first was on a cliff, higher than the others. Each man below him kneeled.

One man directly across from the man said, “Master, Learda, we have arrived, just as you said.”

Learda paused. He looked up at the dark sky. Wind began to blow misty air over the tall rocky mountain. Learda looked back at him with pleasure, “Yes Lyath, you are very loyal, as well as you all. The lord is pleased with you all. Now he has set a task for us to complete, one that may be a challenge.”

The man right to Lyath looked up and said confidently, “What is it master? We will fulfill it with ease.”

“Patience, Kinaz, you must have patience,” Learda explained. He jumped off of the cliff and landed in front of them. He gestured them to stand up. One by one, each stood up. Many of them were the same height of Learda or less. When they were all standing, he said, “Before that, I must explain other details.”

“Yes master,” Kinaz replied frightened.

“Over the past several years, the lord and I have been researching a certain subject,” Learda explained slowly. “It is nothing something the lord wishes for you to know, so I will not explain what it is. To keep it short, we know the location of the item, though we cannot quite retrieve it.”

“Can we do anything to assist?” another man said.

“No Dragar. The lord does not want any of you guys involved with it,” said Learda. Dragar nodded and bowed. “That aside, our army is increasing. We have the Trolls and Oughalds under our command.”

“When will we strike?” one other man asked.

“In about a year, maybe longer,” Learda replied. “No matter the length, Zelzor will not stand a chance.”

“Yes, he will fall, along with those pathetic Zelzes,” Lyath said with a smirk.

“So master, what is this task the lord wishes us to fulfill for him?” Kinaz asked, still impatient.

Learda laughed, “Impatient, as always. We are given the task to search for a certain person.” Learda walked into the center of the group and looked at each person.

“That should not be hard, we can just send out Sleepwalkers to do the work,” a man said behind Learda.

Learda turned around and eyed him with a grin. “This person, the lord says, is not one to toy with. He knows powerful sorcery that surpasses you all,” Learda said.

Each man flinched in surprise. They had not expected their target to be spoken greatly of from their lord. “More powerful than us?” one said.

“Yes, if you find him, do not take him lightly. Call for us when you do.” Learda explained. “You cannot take him on alone.”

“Why does the lord want us to find this person?” Lyath asked almost apprehensively.

“The lord feels that he is a minor threat, and it would be wise to get him out of our path early,” Learda lied.

Kinaz looked at his master, “Surely he does not mean-”

“Yes, I think the lord does want us to find him,” Lyath answered Kinaz’s unfinished question. Lyath took a few breathes, but did not say anything.

“Of all times, why now?” asked a man standing beside Learda. Curious, he awaited an answer from his master.

“That, I do not know, but I dare not question the lord. We must go out and capture the Ruven.

“Capture the Ruven?” Kinaz asked confuse, “why stop at capturing him? Why can we not just kill him?”

“No!” Learda shouted. As he shouted flames rose from the ground surrounding him. Everyone jumped back, almost reaching the edge, to avoid his rage. Learda looked around furious. He soon realized what just happened and calmed down. The flames slowly died down until they evaporated completely. “No, do not kill him. You cannot even begin to imagine what the lord will have in store for you if you disobey,” he said, struggling to keep his temper.

“I’m sorry master,” Kinaz said as he kneeled. “May I ask: Why can we not kill him?”

Learda exhaled his breath. After a few seconds, he said, “The lord needs him for a certain task.”

“Are there any leads to where he may be?” asked another man.

“We believe that he is a Gippy in a southern village,” answered Learda, finally calm.

“So he lives in a southern Gippy village,” Dragar repeated softly.

“That should not be a problem,” Lyath said.

“This concludes our meeting; our next meeting will be exactly one year from today, midnight." Learda said. Each man raised his hand and more black bolts of lightning struck the ground. Smoke rose again, covering each dark figure. Then, as fast as they arrived, they had vanished.

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