by Austin C.
Spring is a nice enjoyable season, as long as you have your allergies under control. I can enjoy spring to a point. I love the warmth weather it brings and the breeze it has especially when I’m in a moving car with the windows down. I do though have the worst allergies there is in spring, my eyes water and get bloodshot red, my nose itches like crazy, and I get headaches so bad I fall asleep. In my opinion fall has to be the best season but spring is a good season to escape from winter because after all the snow and being isolated inside layers of clothing, it’s nice to walk outside with a little feeling of exposure.
A major problem with spring is the insects. I hate them mostly any bugs that attacks or is of an annoyance. Bees are of an annoyance because they just fly around and you run into one of them without even knowing and risk being stung and that’s not fun. The one insect I hate the most is the mosquito. Mosquitoes are very annoying. I hate when I get bitten and I don’t notice it until that night and then it irritates me. What I like the most about spring is the rain. Rain isn’t the best when you are doing anything outside but when I drizzles outside I enjoy it. The sounds of rain as it lands on the roof and pavement is smoothing even though it makes me tiresome. So this is why I thing spring is a pretty decent season to have.