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Friday, June 12, 2009

Movie Review: The Aviator

by Calvin

Howard Hughes (played by Leonardo DiCaprio) a 30something millionaire, already made a fortune improving oil drills, decides to go to Hollywood and shoot films. In short time he turns from producer to director of a WWI fighter movie, “Hell’s Angles”, which took him 3 years to make for 2 reasons: 1 the change from silent to sound movies, and 2 Hughes’ perfectionism. As the movie progresses, we come to find he has OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, that’s when some one has to be exact on everything. For example: if his cloths touched the floor, or weren’t folded right, he would have to burn them.). However his film was the biggest hit of his time, even though Hollywood never really accepted him. After making Jean Harlow (played by Gwen Stefani) a star, and having a romantic relationship with Katharine Hepburn (played by Cate Blanchett), the eccentric inventor’s passion for aircrafts, he began to design new planes, break air speed records, founded “trans-world Airlines, flew around the world, and risked his life testing the aircrafts he designed. At one point in the movie, he is test flying a new plane that he had just designed. But he crashed into a house breaking his arm, torching the new plane, and severely damaged the house. He makes many enemies in his later life, yet he still manages to thrive.
Kudos to the producer! This was a very thrilling movie that surprises me time and time again.

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