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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Book Review: Oedipus the King (Sophocles)

by Jiayun

Oedipus Rex is part of a Greek Tragedy Trilogy. The plot encompasses incest, suicide, power, and fate. To be able to understand the play, one must know the events, which lead up to this tragedy:

Oedipus’ father, Liaus, is the king of Thebes. Unfortunately Apollo cursed his lineage because his relatives had killed Apollo’s favorite snake. As a result, Liaus was doomed a cursed fate from the beginning. Sure enough, Liaus receives a terrible oracle from the Gods: his son would murder him, and his son would sleep with his mother. Liaus is obviously shocked and sickened by this prediction, so he hurries home to tell his wife Jocasta that they must never have any children. However, Jocasta is already pregnant.

After Jocasta gives birth to Oedipus, his parents jam a stick through his ankles and give his to a one of their servants, who is to place the poor baby upon a mountain and await death. Being a kind-hearted man, the servant gives Oedipus to another servant from the neighboring city. This man gives Oedipus to the king and queen of this city who are barren. So Oedipus grows up as the prince of another city, unknowing to his tragic fate.

Needless to say, this play is definitely interesting and captivating. The incest is a bit disturbing, but it was a good play overall.

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