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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Book Review: Charlie Bone and the Hidden King (Jenny Nimmo)

by Nathan W.

Jenny Nimmo’s latest book, “Charlie Bone and the Hidden King,” the fifth and final book in the Charlie Bone series, was recently released. I’m an avid fan of the series, so I gave the ending a try.

In the book, a “shadow” escapes from the clutches of the Red King, and begins to terrorize Charlie’s town. All the animals escape and Charlie is blamed. As the plot unravels, Charlie and his friends uncover the plot of the “shadow” and find evidence of Charlie’s father, Lyell, who went missing.

As the final book in the series, it was fantastic! I won’t spoil the ending, but it was a tear-jerking, “happily-ever-after story.” A great read for kids and teens; also a great book for “Harry Potter” fans. A 10 out of 10. Jenny Nimmo’s finest.

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