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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Book Review: Locked in Time (Lois Duncan)

By Kelsie

Ok. My first thought of the book after the first page…not so spiffy. My thoughts on the book after a couple of chapters in…pretty decent. It seemed to me as though the book had a little trouble getting off of the ground and into the air. I guess that is a common thing, but it’s really cool when you come across a book that takes off right away. The main idea of the book is pretty similar to some other things that I’ve read, but it has enough of a twist to make it really cool.

The book starts out with Nore as the central character and her journey to her father and stepmother’s new house. Since her mother passed away, she decides to go and live with the remainder of her family. Little does she know that her new family would be so…umm…peculiar?.

After a few days in her new home with her new family, she begins to see how oddly everyone is acting. Something foul is afoot and she sets out to uncover what it is. Unfortunately, she is the only one who notices what is going on.

Throughout the book, Nore begins to put all of the pieces together, and in the end finds a way to stop something horrible from happening.

I really enjoyed this book and I would advise you to read it.

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